Let's get secure.


**Exciting Update: Enhanced Security Measures for Your Photo Galleries in 2024!**

Dear Indulgent Invisions Users,

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! As part of my commitment to privacy and security, we are implementing enhanced measures to safeguard your precious photo galleries in 2024.

**Introducing Email Verification for Enhanced Security**

Starting as of 3/18/24, accessing your photo galleries will require an extra layer of verification. All visitors will be prompted to enter their email before gaining entry. This added security measure ensures that only authorized users can access your galleries, keeping unwanted viewers at bay and maintaining the integrity of your digital assets.

**Increased Gallery Download Limit**

In addition to enhancing security, I have updated the gallery download limit to better serve your needs. You will now receive 3 gallery downloads, tripling your backup options. This ensures that you have a backup in case any issues arise during the initial download process, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your valuable memories are secure. Having 3 downloads is great because you will have an upload for internal (desktop file etc), external (external hard drive, flash drive, etc), and mobile-size image downloads. I encourage everyone to download mobile-sized images for social media etc because they're sized to look better ONLINE.

**Efficient Management Tips for Your Digital Gallery**

To help you make the most out of these updates, I encourage everyone to efficiently manage their digital galleries.

Here are some tips:

1. **Download TRIPLE**: Download the gallery TRIPLE when downloading to ensure redundancy. Store one copy on your computer's desktop for easy access across your devices.

2. **Backup on External Drive**: Secure a backup of your gallery on an external drive for additional safety. This strategy guarantees both convenience and security for your valuable digital assets.

Your privacy and security are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible experience. Thank you for entrusting me with your memories, and we look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence.

Stay safe and secure!

Best regards,

Indulgent Invisions Photography